Malt welcome

Welkom op het Malt-profiel van Misha!

Met Malt heb je toegang tot de beste freelance consultants voor jouw opdrachten. Neem contact op met Misha om te vertellen waaraan je behoefte hebt of zoek andere profielen op Malt.

Misha Scholte

Senior UX Designer
1 aanbeveling
  • Voorgesteld tarief
    € 750 / dag
  • Werkervaring8-15 jaar
  • Antwoordpercentage100%
  • Antwoordtijd1 uur
De opdracht kan alleen van start gaan nadat je de offerte van Misha hebt geaccepteerd.
Locatie en reizen
Haarlem, Nederland
Kan bij je op kantoor werken in
  • Haarlem en omstreken (tot 10 km)
  • Amsterdam en omstreken (tot 10 km)
  • Utrecht en omstreken (tot 10 km)
  • Rotterdam en omstreken (tot 10 km)
  • Leiden en omstreken (tot 10 km)

Malt-handvest ondertekend

Het handvest bekijken
Geverifieerd e-mailadres
Deze profielen passen ook bij je zoekopdracht
Agatha FrydrychAF

Agatha Frydrych

Backend Java Software Engineer

Baptiste DuhenBD

Baptiste Duhen

Fullstack developer

Amed HamouAH

Amed Hamou

Senior Lead Developer

Audrey ChampionAC

Audrey Champion

Web developer

Misha in het kort
Hey! I'm an energized UX/UI Designer with 10 years of experience. In my career I've worked on all kinds of products. From new concepts to rebuilds of existing products. From consumer facing to internal tools. From small companies to big media brands. I love them all. I also have taken the role als Product Owner from time to time next to design which makes me a jack-of-all-trades and mastered some of them.

I'm a firm believer in co-creation. I want to work with developers and stakeholders to determine what we need to solve and find the 'ah-hah!'-solution. As a strategist I help you with the bigger picture. As a designer, I create pixel-perfect mockups and flows. As a prototyper I help to test your ideas in just a week. And as a researcher I search through your data to find the interesting bits of information.

I offer multiple ways of working together:
- As part of your team. I work full time alongside you or your co-workers in sprints to solve your business needs and optionally help improve the way of working
- A user experience audit, which is a comprehensive product design health report. It's a thorough usability, user interface, interaction, and visual design audit, and includes a redesign of a single page in your product with actionable suggestions for improvement (2 - 4 weeks)
- Individual coach, where from time to time I sit in 1:1 with your designers to help them become better at product design. I challenge them when they present design work and provide actionable suggestions for becoming a better presenter, designer or just happier in general. In my experience, it's best to do these kind of sessions at least twice a week, 1 hour at a time
- Facilitating a workshop. I help you with a design sprint for example or any other format that fits

Have any questions? Please send me a message! I'm always in for a quick 30 minutes meeting to see if I can help you.
  • Simyo
    Lead Designer & CRO Specialist
    september 2022 - Vandaag (2 jaren en 6 maanden)
    Amsterdam, NH, Nederland
    I lead the design team and help Simyo transition to a different type of organization.
  • DPG Media Magazines
    Lead UX
    januari 2022 - augustus 2022 (8 maanden)
    Hoofddorp, Nederland
    At DPG Media Magazines (part of DPG Media) I work as the Lead User Experience Designer. I team up with several Heads of Product to work on the roadmap. Together we balance the business models, tech stacks and desired user experience. I'm currently spearheading the creation of a multi-tenant publishing platform which allows our cluster to rapidly test new brands and see if they fit a customer need.

    My responsibilities are:
    - Design and test a publishing platform that can power current and yet-to-acquire brands
    - Create and implement a design system to increase the overall design capacity without introducing more FTE's
    - Improve the way of working by facilitating workshops and inspire the team with user centered methods
    Product Design Leadership Coaching Agile Methode Design Thinking Webdesign Business Analysis
  • DPG Media
    Sr. UX Designer
    januari 2017 - december 2020 (3 jaren en 12 maanden)
    Amsterdam, Netherlands
    At DPG Media I was part of the central research & design team and worked on project basis for each of DPG Media's brands. For example, I...
    - designed and validated a subscription-based multi-tenant publishing platform which powers De Volkskrant, Het Parool, Trouw and three other brands
    - designed and validated an advertisement-based multi-tenant publishing platform for Algemeen Dagblad and
    - redesigned and improved the writing & publishing process for 3000+ journalists in DPG Media's own CMS. I took the role as Product Owner and UX Designer to develop new tools to increase productivity
    - optimized subscription funnels and introduced in-app purchases, which shattered DPG's sell record
    - ran design sprints to rapidly test new ideas in just a week
    - hired, onboarded and coached new designers for our design team
    - worked with stakeholders to improve our own proces from concept to delivery
    - implemented and evangelized design systems thinking

    In these projects, I've worked in multiple settings, ranging from being the solo UX Designer to running a design team of 3. I've worked as a dedicated designer embedded in development teams and on some occasions as upstream designer paving the way forward. My stakeholders range from CEO's and Department Heads down to Marketing Managers and journalists. The thing I enjoyed the most in my time at DPG Media was inspiring stakeholders and bringing them together.
1 externe aanbeveling

Wouter Ronteltap beveelt Misha aan

Wouter RonteltapWR
Wouter Ronteltap
DPG Media
Naast dat Misha een fijn mens is om mee samen te werken, is het ook een hele bijzondere designer; Hij is conceptueel super sterk, maar daarnaast snapt hij de business kant ook heel goed bij een product (wat helaas vaak toch het belangrijkst is). Hij weet bepaalde moeilijkheden van tevoren op tafel te krijgen, die normaal gesproken pas na de technische implementatie boven komen drijven. Kortom, een aanwinst voor elk development team!
  • Bachelor, Media & Entertainment Management, Art & Business of Gaming
    Hogeschool INHOLLAND
    Bachelor, Media & Entertainment Management, Art & Business of Gaming