- Nozem FilmsVoiceoverPERS & MEDIAapril 2023 - mei 2023 (1 maand)Amsterdam, NH, NederlandI recorded a voiceover for a brand film for the UvA (University of Amsterdam) Nozem Films made.
- DPI - strategic and creative digital agencyVoiceoverDIGITAAL BUREAU & IT-CONSULTANCYfebruari 2023 - Vandaag (1 jaar en 11 maanden)Den Haag, ZH, NederlandAl ruim 1 jaar word ik van tijd tot tijd ingehuurd om, voornamelijk, educatieve en informatieve voiceovers in te spreken voor videos die DPI produceert voor haar klanten.
- TylkoDutch translatorE-COMMERCEnovember 2022 - Vandaag (2 jaren en 2 maanden)Amsterdam, NH, NetherlandsResponsible for all Dutch translations of the Tylko-brand and launch in the Netherlands.
Agata Czapla en 1 ander persoon bevelen Shari aan
- MA Arts ManagementHKU (Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht)2012The Master of Arts in Arts Management was a course for ambitious (future) arts managers who want to go further in the creative sector. The course provided me with knowledge and skills in the field of creation, production, distribution, project management, research methods and strategic management within the creative industry. The course is founded on project-based education and research for professional clients.