Malt welcome

Welkom op het Malt-profiel van Paul R.!

Met Malt heb je toegang tot de beste freelance consultants voor jouw opdrachten. Neem contact op met Paul R. om te vertellen waaraan je behoefte hebt of zoek andere profielen op Malt.

Paul R. De Buck

👌 IT Infra & Développeur Web/Mobile Apps
5 opdrachten
  • Voorgesteld tarief
    € 598 / dag
  • Werkervaring8-15 jaar
  • Antwoordpercentage100%
  • Antwoordtijd2 uur
De opdracht kan alleen van start gaan nadat je de offerte van Paul R. hebt geaccepteerd.
Locatie en reizen
Bruxelles, BW, Belgique
Voert zijn of haar opdrachten voornamelijk op afstand uit

Malt-handvest ondertekend

Het handvest bekijken
Geverifieerd e-mailadres
Sociale media
Deze profielen passen ook bij je zoekopdracht
Agatha FrydrychAF

Agatha Frydrych

Backend Java Software Engineer

Baptiste DuhenBD

Baptiste Duhen

Fullstack developer

Amed HamouAH

Amed Hamou

Senior Lead Developer

Audrey ChampionAC

Audrey Champion

Web developer

Paul R. in het kort



Are you in need of a comprehensive infrastructure design for your application?
We offer the following services:

  • Design and creation of a complete infrastructure, including frontend, backend, database, monitoring, pipeline automation, and more.
  • Provision of a detailed network topology.
  • Formulation of network firewall rules.
  • Capability to work within your own data center.
  • Dockerization of all components.
  • Adherence to strict CISO security conventions.
We can tailor our services to meet your specific needs, ensuring you receive an exceptional infrastructure solution!


Do you require a mobile application or a progressive web app? Within a fortnight, we can deliver:

  • A visually appealing mobile design.
  • An application compatible with both iOS and Android.
  • Social Login integration with Google, X, and Facebook.
  • A user microservice that includes email registration, login, forgot password, and email confirmation.
  • Two microservices of your choice, secured with tokens.
Get a first application to your customers *fast*.


  • Web development (HTML5/CSS3).
  • Progressive Web App development (Aurelia JS / Node JS + MongoDB).
  • Security-oriented development, including Stateless Auth with JSON Web Tokens.
  • Mobile development: Android & iOS with CapacitorJS.
  • Desktop apps: Windows, Linux and MacOS with ElectronJS.
  • Design & UX.
  • Dev Ops: Containers orchestration & Docker, Ansible deployments.
  • Blockchain: Deep technical knowledge of Bitcoin Script, and BitBus integration for easy Bitcoin Transaction with JavaScript.
  • I possess strong communication skills and am fluent in three languages: French, English, and Spanish.

As Nicolas Boileau once said, “Ce qui se conçoit bien s’énonce clairement - Et les mots pour le dire arrivent aisément.” (What is well conceived is clearly stated, and the words to say it come easily.)
  • European Commission
    Infrastructure System Engineer
    september 2018 - Vandaag (6 jaren en 6 maanden)
    Brussels, Belgium
    I am part of the team which care for the API Gateway (WSO2 API Manager) inside the European Commission. The API Gateway allows developers team to easily expose their APIs from within the Commission's network, to the outside world, via a single secure, fast and reliable entry point. It also promotes reusability, through a Store of APIs developers can subscribe to. My job includes:
    - Creating and deploying a new environments of the WSO2 API Gateway solution on our servers
    - Using Ansible script, setting up a distributed highly available, scalable set up.
    - Customizing the open source project to integrate with our infrastructure (7 custom components)
    - Managing and monitoring current environments (8VMs per env) ACC, PROD, INTRA & STRESS, TST
    - Prometheus & Grafana: Infrastructure level monitoring (CPU, Load, RAM, HDD read/write, uptime etc)
    - Filebeat & Kibana: Log level monitoring
    - WSO2 logs: Out Of Memory, errors, warnings
    - HTTP Logs: HTTP Status code, url, context, version, time, API down, high latency, etc.
    - Dynatrace: Full stack monitoring: Java machine, garbage collector activity, memory allocation etc.
    - Every monitoring triggers an alert when outside normal operating range and action are taken appropriately
    - Creating documentation and providing first hand help for people to use the API Gateway
    - Confluence, Git
    - Making short videos (< 5mins) explaining, high-level, the main API Gateway concepts, and satellite API Gateway services
    - Level 3 support
    - Helping with onboarding new projects to use this new paradigm of Stateless APIs with our API Gateway service, increasing reusability
    - Integrating with our own OAuth2 OpenID Connect provider (EULogin) for token (JWT) based authentication for stateless APIs
    - Mostly using: Java, JavaScript, Terminal/bash (Linux), REST & Swagger def., web techs.
  • An Otter Company
    juli 2018 - september 2018 (2 maanden)
    Brussels, Belgium
    Published our first app on the Google Play Store: NightShop: Locate all open NightShop around your GPS position, anywhere ! Add your owns too. 100% Java + NodeJS Backend.
  • OneTec group
    Junior Analyst Developer
    september 2015 - augustus 2018 (2 jaren en 11 maanden)
    Développement de site web et d'applications mobiles (HTML/CSS/JS, MSSQL, ASP.NET), logistique événementielle (Hardware renting & Onsite Event support), Development d'application de Scanner Mobile pour Access Registration avec QRCode(Java&Android), support informatique général.
Externe aanbevelingen
  • Bachelor's Degree In Networks and Telecommunications, Information Technology
    Bachelor's Degree In Networks and Telecommunications, Information Technology
  • C.E.S.S. (Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur), Math 6, Sciences Informatique 7, Langues 8 (EN/DE), Math 6, Sciences Informatique 7, Langues 8 (EN/DE)
    Athénée Royale de Neufchâteau-Bertrix
    C.E.S.S. (Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur), Math 6, Sciences Informatique 7, Langues 8 (EN/DE), Math 6, Sciences Informatique 7, Langues 8 (EN/DE)