- YM Designowner at YM Design, grafisch ontwerp en vormgevingjanuari 2010 - Vandaag (15 jaren en 1 maand)Maastricht Area, NetherlandsI have been working in various graphic disciplines since 1995 (pre-press, design, training students in various graphic applications, project management) Partly due to outplacement and interim jobs, I have gained a lot of experience at very diverse (international) workplaces. Born in Maastricht with a broad network of experienced professionals. In addition to designing logos, books and brochures, I provide the total package of design and printing. Thanks to my extensive network, I can contribute to different projects and refer you to experts in all kinds of areas.
- Ondernemende Vrouwen MaastrichtChairwomannovember 2014 - Vandaag (10 jaren en 3 maanden)Female entrepreneurship has its own specific dynamics and is naturally accompanied by the necessary dilemmas and opportunities. It is particularly pleasant to explore those dimensions with other enterprising women by challenging and inspiring each other in interactive encounters. OVM offers its members connection, deepening and broadening in both professional and personal life.
- ECDPMPublications officerfebruari 2009 - augustus 2009 (6 maanden)Maastricht, Limburg, NetherlandsECDPM is a leading independent think tank that wants to make policies in Europe and Africa work for inclusive and sustainable development. The Publications Officer plans, implements, and coordinates effective writing services to support the content, design, publishing and distribution of publications. Since I was primarily a designer I also took care of the lay outs and designs of the publications.
- BachelorFontys Hogeschool (formerly known as HKLS)1994
- Internship at the printing officesUniversity of Maine1993Worked with all the usual software (at the time) QuarkXpress, Freehand and Photoshop
- propedeuseAcademie voor Beeldende Kunsten, Maastricht1991
- Havo/ VWOStedelijk Lyceum - Havo / VWO1990