Malt welcome

Welkom op het Malt-profiel van Sergei!

Met Malt heb je toegang tot de beste freelance consultants voor jouw opdrachten. Neem contact op met Sergei om te vertellen waaraan je behoefte hebt of zoek andere profielen op Malt.

Sergei Kotcherov

Architect Project Leader
  • Voorgesteld tarief
    € 900 / dag
  • Werkervaring8-15 jaar
  • Antwoordpercentage100%
  • Antwoordtijd1 uur
De opdracht kan alleen van start gaan nadat je de offerte van Sergei hebt geaccepteerd.
Locatie en reizen
Amsterdam, Nederland
Kan bij je op kantoor werken in
  • Amsterdam en omstreken (tot 30 km)

Malt-handvest ondertekend

Het handvest bekijken
Geverifieerd e-mailadres
Deze profielen passen ook bij je zoekopdracht
Agatha FrydrychAF

Agatha Frydrych

Backend Java Software Engineer

Baptiste DuhenBD

Baptiste Duhen

Fullstack developer

Amed HamouAH

Amed Hamou

Senior Lead Developer

Audrey ChampionAC

Audrey Champion

Web developer

Vaardigheden (6)
Sergei in het kort
I'm very goal-directed in problem solving and I have an eye for detail. I approach things a
bit differently than most, I can think of novelties, and I have an eye for beauty. I can
assimilate from various disciplines. One of my key talents is 'broad range of interests'. I am
actively interested in different views, I take a lot in me depending on the chosen subject,
and I am therefore very critical during the search for the correct interpretation. I am
tenacious and tend to bring the work by myself till the finalization. I can think several
steps ahead and assess the impacts over time. I have a strong tendency to create order.
I can isolate myself well, and to concentrate totally and being absorbed in something.
Collaborating with different disciplines is absolutely no problem for me because I always
try to understand what the others engagement is in his profession.
  • Steelman Partners Europe
    Project Architect
    februari 2015 - augustus 2021 (6 jaren en 7 maanden)
    Amsterdam, Nederland
    Projecten begeleiden met een team van opdrachtgevers, bouwmanagement, aannemers en leveranciers, in binnen en buitenland.
    Delegeren managen Presenteren beoordelen Ontwerpen
Externe aanbevelingen
  • Bachelor of Design
    School of the Arts, Architectural Design 1st/4th painting, modeling, sculpture, philosophy, research, design, presentation, 3d max AutoCAD InDesign photoshop sketch up, seminars, art history, cultural history, thesis topic "High value"