Growth Expert with an MSc in Econometrics and 12 years of consulting experience, with the ambition to grow companies 10x
- CaplerHead of GrowthPRIVATE EQUITYjuli 2024 - Vandaag (7 maanden)Amsterdam, Nederland- Strategy creation and execution for 20x growth in 3 years.- Creating a direct channel to attract customers cost efficiently.- Conversion optimization and methods to increase the number of subscriptions.- Expanding marketing partnerships.
- Hello MentorHead of Growth & CofounderHR / PERSONEELSBELEIDjuli 2022 - januari 2023 (6 maanden)Amsterdam, Nederland- Develop and execute marketing and sales strategies.- Identify target groups with the most potential.- Scale and automate operations to onboard more customers.
- VoorDeThuiswerkersHead of Growth & CofounderHIGHTECHapril 2020 - december 2021 (1 jaar en 9 maanden)Amsterdam, Nederland- Marketing strategies resulting in 10% growth week over week.- Improving website conversion for both bookers and partners.- Automating processes to enable scale, such as invoicing, booking, marketing emails.
- MSc EconometricsErasmus Universiteit Rotterdam2012Econometrics is an area of economics where statistical and mathematical methods are used to analyze economic data.
- BSc Mechanical EngineeringDelft University of Technology2010Mechanical engineering combines creativity, knowledge and analytical tools to complete the difficult task of shaping an idea into reality.