- Colruyt Group (Collect&Go)Key account manager partnershipsE-COMMERCEaugustus 2017 - september 2021 (4 jaren en 2 maanden)Halle, BelgiëResponsible for the growth of Collect&Go as an advertisement platform for FMCG companies. Strategic management and facilitating workshops to encourage companies with their e-commerce food mission.
- Salesforce - DublinBusiness developmentSOFTWAREPRODUCTIEnovember 2010 - mei 2011 (7 maanden)Dublin, IerlandWorking from the headquarters in Dublin, I was responisble for the business development of the Benelux salesteam. Focussed on large companies and multinationals (+ 250 employees)
- Roularta Media GroupAccount management Gratis pers & StoresquarePERS & MEDIAfebruari 2009 - augustus 2017 (8 jaren en 7 maanden)Roeselare, BelgiëAs account manager, I was responible for hunting and farming of new and existing clients. This for several media product of Roularta Media Group (Storesquare - De Zondag - Steps Magazine - Google Adwords -...)
- Amazon Retail for advertisersAmmazon2021
- Google Digitaal AtelierGoogle2017
- Master CommunicatiewetenschappenUGent2006