- RENSON Ventilation - Sunprotection - OutdoorFreelance SEO consultantapril 2022 - Vandaag (2 jaren en 10 maanden)Waregem, Belgium
- RENSON Ventilation - Sunprotection - OutdoorTeam Lead Online Marketingoktober 2021 - april 2022 (6 maanden)Waregem, Belgium
- RENSON Ventilation - Sunprotection - OutdoorSEO-specialistfebruari 2020 - april 2022 (2 jaren en 2 maanden)Waregem, Belgium➜ Responsible for implementing the global seo strategy.
- Postgraduate, Digital MarketingHOGESCHOOL GENT2015Postgraduate, Digital Marketing
- Bachelor of Science in MarketingHOGESCHOOL GENT2013Bachelor's degree, Marketing
- Bachelor of ManagementVIVES University College2011Bachelor's degree, Sports management
- Science - Maths, MathematicsKoninklijk Atheneum Avelgem2008Science - Maths, Mathematics