- ENGIE DigitalBackend developer JavaENERGIEdecember 2022 - juni 2024 (1 jaar en 7 maanden)Maastricht, NetherlandsI rejoined Engie's Smart O&M project (https://digital.engie.com/our-products/smart-o&m) after a break of almost two years. The Smart O&M platform supports the maintenance and monitoring of assets of Engie's customers. It is built with Angular, NgRx, Spring Boot, MongoDB and Amazon AWS.
- cofxFreelance softwareontwikkelaar en scrum masterDIGITAAL BUREAU & IT-CONSULTANCYoktober 2022 - Vandaag (2 jaren en 4 maanden)Voerendaal, LB, NetherlandsUnder the company name cofx, I work as a freelance, full-stack software developer and scrum master. I focus mainly on agile projects that use Clojure, ClojureScript, Java, JavaScript and/or TypeScript.
- APG HeerlenSoftwareontwikkelaar en scrum masterBANKEN & VERZEKERINGENmaart 2021 - november 2022 (1 jaar en 8 maanden)Heerlen, NetherlandsAfter working as a consultant at various companies, I thought it would be a good idea to work on the same project for a single employer for a longer period of time. In the end, it turned out not to be a good fit for me, but I didn't know that yet in March 2021.As part of a DevOps team, I mainly worked on (further) automating various processes surrounding disability pension, using Java, Spring, Activiti, ActionScript and Adobe Flex. To make our testing work easier, I have also developed an internal tool with Clojure.Since March 2022, I have been involved in preparing for the switch to the new Dutch pension system. The Danish company Festina Finance supplies the basis of the software system that will be used in the upcoming years for pension and capital administration at APG. I worked on linking Festina's software with APG's existing software. For small proof of concepts I used Clojure and ClojureScript.
- Doctor (dr.), Informatica (Software engineering) / Hogere opleiding Software engineerTechnische Universiteit Eindhoven2012Doctor (dr.), Informatica (Software engineering) / Hogere opleiding Software engineer
- Ingenieur (Ir.), Informatica (Software engineering) / Hogere opleiding Software engineerTechnische Universiteit Eindhoven2006Ingenieur (Ir.), Informatica (Software engineering) / Hogere opleiding Software engineer
- Atheneum, VWO, VWOJeanne d'Arc College Maastricht2000Atheneum, VWO, VWO
- Verschillende vakken op bachelorniveau, Psychologie en informaticaLeopold-Franzens Universität Innsbruck2004Verschillende vakken op bachelorniveau, Psychologie en informatica