- nimbyDigital Business Platform Consultantaugustus 2021 - februari 2022 (6 maanden)Heerenveen, NetherlandsI focus on digitalization of organizations through low-code platforms. I combine my business administration, commercial and product owner skills in order to help customers understand and work with these platforms.
- MediLimeManager International Businessmaart 2019 - augustus 2021 (2 jaren en 5 maanden)Groningen, Netherlands- Find and support distributors worldwide-Strategic marketing (brand positioning, visuals, product launches)-Project support (strategy, product sourcing, ISO 13485, translations ) MediLime, Dutch Design in Enteral Feeding.
- RedKarmaProduct Ownerjuli 2016 - maart 2019 (2 jaren en 8 maanden)Roden, Netherlands- Convert client wishes to applications-Role as product owner for development team-Improve functionality-Training on invite-Research business opportunities