Malt welcome

Welkom op het Malt-profiel van Kasper!

Met Malt heb je toegang tot de beste freelance consultants voor jouw opdrachten. Neem contact op met Kasper om te vertellen waaraan je behoefte hebt of zoek andere profielen op Malt.

Kasper Van Lombeek

Data Scientist
5 aanbevelingen
  • Voorgesteld tarief
    € 600 / dag
  • Werkervaring8-15 jaar
  • Antwoordpercentage100%
  • Antwoordtijd1 uur
De opdracht kan alleen van start gaan nadat je de offerte van Kasper hebt geaccepteerd.
Locatie en reizen
Brugge, WV, België
Kan bij je op kantoor werken in
  • Brugge en omstreken (tot 50 km)
  • Gent en omstreken (tot 50 km)
  • Brussel en omstreken (tot 50 km)

Malt-handvest ondertekend

Het handvest bekijken
Geverifieerd e-mailadres
Deze profielen passen ook bij je zoekopdracht
Agatha FrydrychAF

Agatha Frydrych

Backend Java Software Engineer

Baptiste DuhenBD

Baptiste Duhen

Fullstack developer

Amed HamouAH

Amed Hamou

Senior Lead Developer

Audrey ChampionAC

Audrey Champion

Web developer

Vaardigheden (4)
Kasper in het kort

My name is Kasper and I am really good at setting up the foundations of a new app or website. I have a master in engineering and extra master in statistics, so I know all the math to make a solid data analysis. During other projects, and my own startups, I learned lots of web development technologies that allow me to setup a project completely on my own.

The tools I use most for these projects are:
- Python for data science
- Python Flask or FastApi to build a backend
- Vue.js to build a front-end
- Postgress to setup a database
- Tailwind.css to style everything

This list is far from exclusive, and I am a very quick learner so if you already started with some other technology, I can probably help you with that too.

After working on my thesis doing my master in statistics, I started a company (Rockestate) myself. So I know the drills of starting a company, building the MVP and getting the first clients.

I also have a recommender website online with over 100k visitors per year, check it out on
I love working for interesting companies that are building a product that I have never heard of.

And I love good coffee, lets have one?

  • Otary offshore wind
    Data scientist
    december 2021 - januari 2022 (2 maanden)
    Offshore wind turbines vibrate, as the blades pass every rotation in front of the wind turbine tower. These tower vibrations shorten the lifespan of the wind turbine. By altering the load on the generator, the vibrations are reduced. But this dampening creates harmonics on the electricity grid. I had to study the severity of these harmonics. I used the classic Python data-science libraries and some signal processing packages like the Butterworth filter.
    Python Data Science signal processing
  • The Job Coach
    Data scientist
    december 2020 - juni 2022 (1 jaar en 5 maanden)
    Together with the Jobcoach, we developed a personality test to recommend you corresponding jobs. By answering multiple choice questions, we first derive your profile in a two-dimensional space. Jobs are also mapped in this 2 dimensional space, and in combination with other factors such as educational level jobs are recommended. I developed both the recommendation algorithm, the backend (Python Flask) and the front end (Vue and Tailwind).
    Data Science Front-End Development Back-End Development
5 externe aanbevelingen

Karen Dejongh en 4 andere personen bevelen Kasper aan

Karen DejonghKD
Karen Dejongh
Kasper slaagt er steeds in om uit onze complexe datastromen de juiste relevante informatie te halen en te structureren tot modellen die onze business verder doen ontwikkelen. Verder zorgt zijn creatieve inbreng en snelle en betrouwbare service ervoor dat we onze app onmiddellijk kunnen aanpassen aan nieuwe consumenten- of marktbewegingen. Hij is een man van zijn woord: hij zegt wat hij doet en doet wat hij zegt/belooft.
Gerald Van Der WalGV
Gerald Van Der Wal
Kasper created the tool that helps mom and dads to be, to find the perfect name for their son of daughter. As a highly skilled data scientist he created an algorithm that works great. Thanks to the quality of the tool, we have been seeing several peeks in traffic on the website and have been able to get a lot of visibility for our brand. Personally, I have come to know Kasper as a very knowledgeable and friendly person who is really passionate about his work.
Inti GhyselsIG
Inti Ghysels
I would like to recommend Kasper. Kasper is a very good data scientist and did an excellent job for us. He proved himself to be a hard worker and has solid technical and problem-solving skills. I was impressed with his capability to complete the work given to him successfully within time and budget. He is also very careful and serious about his work.
Jan PlaisantJP
Jan Plaisant
I highly recommend Kasper as a data scientist. The combination with his background in Engineering brings a lot of added value, as he quickly understands the technical phenomena he is analyzing. Kasper performed a relatively small but technically complex task for us, and did this in a very flexible way, respecting restrictions in time and budget.