- Cipal SchaubroeckFunctional AnalystDIGITAAL BUREAU & IT-CONSULTANCYnovember 2024 - Vandaag (3 maanden)Brussels, BelgiumPerform functional analysis, use case design, and user interfaces analysis and documentation. As input I receive business analysis documentation or business requirements through requests for change.
- Youston - iGuanaBusiness ConsultantDIGITAAL BUREAU & IT-CONSULTANCYaugustus 2022 - augustus 2024 (1 jaar en 12 maanden)Brussel, VB, BelgiëI. non-technical
- Contributed to the successful delivery of three Digital Mailroom projects in the Healthcare sector, optimizing client document management processes and enhancing operational efficiency.
- Improved the core document management software bydriving significant UI/UX enhancements and resolving criticaland non-critical bugs, leading to a more user-friendly andreliable system.
- Analyzed workflows, business logic, and technical specifications in collaboration with clients to ensure tailored software/database configurations.
- Acted as a primary liaison between clients and the offshoredevelopment team, ensuring clear communication and on-time project delivery.
II. technical- Configuration in ‘iManage’, config mgmt sw
- Manipulate Json and XML data formats
- Configuration of Business Logic in Transact-SQL within the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
- SSMS: import flat Csv files, server agent jobs, monitor performance
- SQL transaction queries: Stored Procedures, to connect to Proxy API server, SP to insert/ delete entries in tables, Cursor, SP for job agents, Monitoring Data Consistency, Customized reports (errors/ exported documents).
- Postman: test API connection/ calls.
Main tools: BPMN, UML, Azure DevOps, Jira, SQL Server, T-SQL - Le Wagon BrusselsBootcamper 748SOFTWAREPRODUCTIEoktober 2021 - december 2021 (2 maanden)Key Projects:
- Airbnb Clone: Designed and deployed a full-stack application, utilizing Ruby-on-Rails, HTML, CSS, REST API, and JavaScript.
- Bugs Buddy: Led a team of four in creating a mobile-friendly sports buddy finding app, incorporating technologies like PostgreSQL, Heroku, and MapBox API.
- Web DevelopmentLe Wagon20219-week intensive product making using Ruby on Rails. Designed, implemented and shipped to production a clone of AirBnB as well as launched an application to find a sport buddy.
- PYTHONKaggle20225 hours introduction into Python programming language, with coding challenges.
- Data ScienceCevora2022360 overview in a 4 days timefrime, from understanding the question, storing the data (ms sql server), cleaning the data, exploring the data, analyze in depth (bi intelligence, data mining (weka software)), visualize the results (RStudio).
- BPMN Pro: Master the Business Process Model & NotationThe Master Channel2024
- BPMN Fundamentals course: from zero to heroThe Master Channel2024
- Labour psychologyKUL2006