- AdvertenseCreative Direction & Brand CommunicationsPERS & MEDIAnovember 2021 - Vandaag (3 jaren en 2 maanden)Venlo, NetherlandsCreatieve dienstverlening met een holistische blik verpakt in creatie, implimentatie en Workshops. Know how & know why. Persoonlijk bereikbaar.Met mijn expertise adviseer ik ondernemingen, zodat zij hun marketing & communicatie inspannigen (nog) succesvoller kunnen inzetten. De diensten bestaan uit :• Marketing campagnes opzetten en sturen• Brandguides, Design, fotografie & content creatie• Reclame advies• Strategische concept-ontwikkeling• Branding en merkontwikkeling• Contact met derde partijen.
- Pearl Music EuropeHead of Creativemaart 2019 - februari 2022 (2 jaren en 11 maanden)Formed a small team that focusses on content-creation and -management. Here I'm Leading the creative department at Pearl's advertising and marketing activities. Monitoring brand campaigns, revising, and shaping brand standards. Implemented an agile workflow to set-up and maintain a successful growth driven content strategy utilizing Open Source Intelligence.
- Pearl Music EuropeArt Directorjuni 2017 - maart 2019 (1 jaar en 9 maanden)Enhance the marketing department and organization's reputation by accepting ownership for, and accomplishing, new and different requests; exploring opportunities to add value to our output. Taking on the role of a storyteller, marrying together words and imagery, creating structure and order through layout and typography, providing weight and emphasis which conveys message and meaning. Realize art department goals by orienting, training, assigning, scheduling and coaching employees.
Katja Butt en 1 ander persoon bevelen Dominique aan
Both times it was a great pleasure to work with him and we achieved truly outstanding results. He has proven to me to be a particularly knowledgeable, caring and professional creative. I would definitely work with him again!
Het LOGO is het erkenningsteken van de Vereniging . Het logo is op stickers en t shirts en tassen uit stof te zien . Het komt super aan
Ook heeft Dominique met grafitti akties meegedaan . Hij is heel kreatief
- Bachelor of ArtsRFH University of Applied Science Cologne2016Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Media Design
- Senior Vocational College, Grafische VormgevingGrafisch Lyceum Eindhoven2006Senior Vocational College, Grafische Vormgeving
- Grafische VormgevingEindhovense school2006Grafische Vormgeving
- Reclametekenen en schilderenDr. Cuypers College1998Reclametekenen en schilderen