- GreenISPOwnerjanuari 2011 - Vandaag (14 jaren)Business manager, PHP developer and creative marketing
- DomeinstadWebmarketeerjanuari 2009 - Vandaag (16 jaren)Eindhoven, NetherlandsCustomer relations, creative webmarketing, search engine optimizer & system management
- MijnforumManager social communityjanuari 2001 - Vandaag (24 jaren)Koedijk, NetherlandsFounder one of the first dutch online interactive media. PHP-Mysql developer unique forum communitysystem.
- Food innovationHAS University of Applied Sciences2020Food innovation
- Bachelor of communication and multimedia design, Cummunication and multimediadesignAvans Hogeschool Den Bosch2016Bachelor of communication and multimedia design, Cummunication and multimediadesign
- Mediatechnologie, English, WebdevelopmentRadius College Breda2012Mediatechnologie, English, Webdevelopment