- ProximusUI designerPERS & MEDIAapril 2021 - Vandaag (3 jaren en 10 maanden)Brussel, BelgiëAt Proximus I worked as a UI designer in an agile team, more specifically the contact and support team. The product owner of this team gave me assignments for pages on the website and app that needed a new UI design. After an intake conversation with the UX designer I started translating the user flow into a design using the design system of Proximus. After validation of the design team, UX and PO I communicated the designs to the integrator. I learned to work in an agile team, work with an advanced design system and how the design system was integrated as a UI kit in Figma. I also learned more about the importance of accessibility for all users.
- Colruyt GroupWebdesigner for Collect&GoDIGITAAL BUREAU & IT-CONSULTANCYjanuari 2020 - april 2021 (1 jaar en 2 maanden)Halle, BelgiëAs a webmaster I was part of the marketing team of Collect&Go. The content and email marketeer gave me the assignment for creating commercial e-mails and new pages on the website for campaigns and brand pages. I worked together with a copywriter and using sketch, HTML and CSS I created the pages according to the identity of Collect&Go and made sure the pages are user friendly. I didn't only learn how to use basic HTML and CSS, but also learned about communication and workflow within the marketing team and design possibilities linked to technical possibilities.
- Qualitative Research NN GroupNielsen Norman Group20215 daagse interactieve uitgebreide opleiding over Qualitative user research. Topics: User interviews, diary studies, Usability testing, field studies
- productontwikkeling BachelorUniversiteit Antwerpen2017