Malt welcome

Welkom op het Malt-profiel van Andrea!

Met Malt heb je toegang tot de beste freelance consultants voor jouw opdrachten. Neem contact op met Andrea om te vertellen waaraan je behoefte hebt of zoek andere profielen op Malt.

Andrea K.

Copy & Content Writer, Anthropologist, Marketer
  • Voorgesteld tarief
    € 500 / dag
  • Werkervaring3-7 jaar
  • Antwoordpercentage100%
  • Antwoordtijd1 uur
De opdracht kan alleen van start gaan nadat je de offerte van Andrea hebt geaccepteerd.
Locatie en reizen
Utrecht, Nederland
Voert zijn of haar opdrachten voornamelijk op afstand uit

Malt-handvest ondertekend

Het handvest bekijken
Geverifieerd e-mailadres
Deze profielen passen ook bij je zoekopdracht
Agatha FrydrychAF

Agatha Frydrych

Backend Java Software Engineer

Baptiste DuhenBD

Baptiste Duhen

Fullstack developer

Amed HamouAH

Amed Hamou

Senior Lead Developer

Audrey ChampionAC

Audrey Champion

Web developer

Vaardigheden (20)
Andrea in het kort
I am a content- copywriter with a background in Socio-Cultural and Political Anthropology and Intercultural Communications and Marketing. I am an experienced marketer, I specialized in development and migration and social and environmental inequality. From my passions, I also write about hiking, nature, and spirituality.
I write and translate in / from Dutch, English, and Spanish.
  • La Casa Shambala
    Interim Manager Yoga teacher Trainings
    oktober 2022 - Vandaag (2 jaren en 4 maanden)
    Allround managen Yoga Teacher Trainings Inhouse. Admin, events, recruitment, planning
    Feb + March 2023
  • La Casa Shambala
    Interim Content Marketer La Casa Shambala
    oktober 2022 - Vandaag (2 jaren en 4 maanden)
    Remote, freelance, parttime
    Content marketing Social Media (Instagram)
    Website content
    Content on Yoga Teacher Training
    Translation Spanish to English
  • Freelancer
    Content Writer
    september 2022 - Vandaag (2 jaren en 5 maanden)
    Utrecht, Nederland
    I am a Content & Copy Writer. I craft engaging content with SEO skills, based on research and analysis of the market.
Externe aanbevelingen
  • MSc. Politics and Society (Sociology)
    Erasmus University
    Political Science and Sociology track. Thesis: 9 out of 10. GPA 4.0. Master Thesis: Amazonian Indigenous Worldmakings in the Global Political Sphere. Through qualitative desktop content analyses, I explored the Indigenous perspective on the position of Amazonian Indigenous speakers at COP26 and other global environmental political events.
  • MSc. Social and Cultural Anthropology
    Vrije Universiteit
    Graduated with 8 out of 10 / GPA 4.0 Language: English Track: Mobility, Diversity, and Equality Thesis: An Ethnographic Account on Latina migrants, Transnational Motherhood and social injustice in the Basque Country, Spain. Ethnographic research (3 months) among Latin American migrant women in the Basque country on their experiences and feelings as migrant women and mothers on distance. S&C Anthropology Pre-Master from 2019 - 2020
  • International Commmunication and Marketing
    University of Applied Sciences
    Bachelors in International Communication and Media. Specialization: Communication & PR Bachelor. Intercultural Communication Bachelor Thesis: Comparative Content Marketing analysis for Dutch NGO Hivos in the Netherlands and Spain Language: English Minor: International Relations in Zaragoza, Spain.
  • Google digital marketing & e-commerce certificate
    Content Marketing E-commerce SEO
  • Strategy of Content Writing
    University of California
  • SEU HR